Friday, April 3, 2015

Do the Heart Work

iPhone landscapes

iPhone landscapes

iPhone landscapes

The work of the eyes is done. Go now and do the heart-work on the images imprisoned within you. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

On this Friday, I find myself in flux...there's a transition taking place and my creative self feels a bit lost, a bit as if the rug has been thrown out from under me. I haven't just physically moved to a new state...I'm finding that my old creative habits have moved, too. It's as if those old habits are stored in boxes somewhere from our move, and I'm trying to decide if I should even unpack them...or maybe I should put them straight up into the attic? And maybe I should go out and redecorate my heart with new habits that speak to me.

This is my state of mind these days, and my head is filled with all sorts of new ideas about which direction I should go in. My "big camera" is gathering dust and I haven't used it in months. My iPhone continues to be my biggest source of inspiration. More and more, I'm drawn to abstracts and how I can create them with my apps and iPad (see my last post HERE). I want to paint, I want to play with watercolors, pen and ink, pencil portraits, shrink plastic...I'm excited about what may be coming. But I also feel a bit off center. My poetic muse is completely gone for now, and that makes me a bit sad...I hope she returns soon because writing poetry is one of my biggest joys.

In the meantime, I'm happy to participate in Friday Finds over at Kim Klassen's blog - and I'm sharing some of my recent iPhone photos that I've edited with apps. I continue to be amazed at what's possible with apps. It's such an exciting way to be creative.

Thank you for stopping by - have a great weekend.

Kim Klassen dot com


  1. Lovely editing! These are like paintings.

  2. Wonderful edits, Sherri, lovely textures and tones !
    Hope you'll find some peace in your creativity ...
    Happy Easter,

  3. nice edits - I'm hooked on i-phone apps too!

  4. Gosh Sherri, I'm right there with you and I didn't even move! I've been dabbling in paints and sketching a bit. Love what I see but not sure what to do with it. My scrapbooking is calling to me in a new way and I'm having trouble sticking with the classes I'd signed up for. But its all ok. Your iPhone edits are just gorgeous. I missed you on Instagram while you were moving.

  5. lovely shots and processing. I can only imagine that you are feeling a bit out of balance, but feel sure that your balance will come back... in whatever form. so excited for you to have completed your move and to such a wonderful place! Best to you!

  6. I love the textures you added to these images. Here's to getting your mojo back soon. :)

  7. Follow where it is leading, you won't be disappointed.

  8. I couldn't take my eyes off that first photo for the longest! It's wonderful. Submit it somewhere.

    Well, that came off a little demanding, now didn't it? :)

  9. You do write so eloquently, Sherri. I feel the same at times ... sometimes I would like to pack something up and put it in the attic :) ... such a wonderful analogy. I do love your phone pics and edits - your are so good at it so keep it up!

  10. You are in the midst of transition, a wonderful change is taking place. Many artists go through something like this. I did. Scary but you do come out on the other side. Keep taking photos, paint if it strikes you just don't stop creating. You have a wonderful group of people who are here to support you and help you.
