Monday, April 6, 2015

iPhoneography: Stacking Makes me Appy

Dinner is served.

I'm happy to hear about another digital art prompt on Saturday of each week - thank you, Claudia, for telling me about it. I'm happy to participate!

I'm sharing an iPhoto I took at a wonderful restaurant recently. They had the most delicious southern cooking, with lace tablecloths and napkins...and real china on each table. It was mismatched, and eclectic, and simply lovely. I won't even think about the fat content of the Salted Caramel Chocolate cake we shared for dessert - all four layers of it. Sometimes you just have to splurge, right? It was our wedding anniversary so I think that cancels out the calories.

I did a lot of app stacking with this image - I put the original photo into iColorama and used Edges to create a "lines-only" image, which I saved into my camera roll. I also put the original image into Glaze and chose a painterly option I liked. I merged those two together in Superimpose - the lines from my iColorama image gave a little more detail to the painterly one. The background was a little busy for me, so I used the Charcoal option in Repix to smudge the background a little and make it less distracting. And my final step was to move it into Stackables, which is always my favorite app for adding more grunge and texture.

If you'd like to participate in this prompt, or just see some beautiful images, click below to visit Claudia's blog.

ImagesByCW Photography


  1. Oh my gosh, Salted Caramel Chocolate cake + your anniversary, you are totally forgiven. You just had to delve into it. We get some salted caramel white chocolate cookies here that are pretty awesome, too :) Your picture and the awesome editing also speak for your restaurant choice. The painterly look goes along real well with the old china.

  2. this is really pretty Sherri, always love your iPhone app edits. Happy Anniversary also.

  3. Sherri, the Edges app you mentioned--do you mean Find Edges by Keda Buttles?

    1. Hi Carol, the app is iColorama - Edges is one of the options available, and I believe it can be found in the Style category. Hope that helps!

    2. Yes it does, thanks Sherri. The other app looks good though.
