Friday, December 13, 2013

Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful

winter snow

winter snow

We got some wintery weather this past week as a snow and ice storm blew through the Northern Virginia area...we don't usually have storms like this so early in December. I hope it's not a sign of more bad weather to come! I snuck outside with my camera to capture a few photos of the pretty ice...sadly, the "pretty ice" destroyed a lot of trees in our area, and we even lost power for a few hours during the storm. I'm grateful it was only a few hours, though - many others had no power all day, which would get chilly very fast in these freezing temps!

I'm still in denial about Christmas being here in 12 days...I'm not ready! I must tackle my Christmas to-do list and get things crossed off. Thanks so much for stopping by - I'm linking up with Kim's Friday Finds today.

Kim Klassen dot Com


  1. You have made it look like a Winter Wonderland!! It's very scary stuff, though, that ice.....

  2. Sorry about the storm, but it did make for some truly beautiful images.

  3. Freezing rain/ice is one of nature's bittersweet things. Love the photos with the branches encased in the ice.

  4. so beautiful Sherry, love the house in the background also, beautiful backdrop and focus on the ice. I feel the same way so many things to do and I really don't want to do them.

  5. These are lovely! I dislike ice would rather have just plain snow but you sure made the best of it with your camera in hand. We had ice this past weekend ... without the snow.

  6. oh my gosh!!! your photos are BEAUTIFUL.....
    winter wonderland... indeed.....

    sending you love... and light....xo, Kim

  7. So much of the country got ice, crazy weather. Here we just had cold and blowing snow.

  8. As I am reading this post the radio is playing that song! Your pictures are beautiful but ice storms can cause so much destruction. Hopefully this is not a prediction of things to come.

  9. Pretty ice! Pretty to look at but not to deal with. My list is getting shorter each day.

  10. Ice sculpture, when crystal is so beautiful, and capturing branches with touchs of green and red is breathtaking. What great shots you got. I wish something this beautiful wouldn't cause so much destruction. I remember when we lived in Chicago, the amazing ice storms, but the aftermath was devastating. I will choose the beauty.

  11. I'm glad you got power back and hope you're staying warm. I know it can be a mess, but man, it's so pretty from here :)
