Saturday, December 28, 2013

iPhoneography Love: Trees

winter trees

We could never design a building as beautiful as the trees. ~Pietro Belluschi

I turned this standard iPhone tree photo into a much prettier version of itself by using my camera apps: Snapseed (Retrolux filter) and Lenslight to add my faux moon. Aren't camera apps amazing and wonderful?

How is everyone? The holidays are keeping me from my normal blog time, and we're also planning a vacation to Florida in two weeks - my blog posts may be sporadic until later in January. Until then, I'll try my best to post/visit when I can but it may not be as often.

Have a great weekend! Did you have a good holiday? I'm wishing everyone a very Happy 2014!


  1. Awesome image Sherri, remember it from IG, and agree with you iPhone is way too much fun with all the apps to play with. You have done a beautiful job on this, way beautiful. I also have been amiss with my posts on my blog but you are doing better than me. I have decided to not sweat the small stuff and do what I love at the moment. Happy New Year.

  2. Beautiful.
    Have a Happy New Year. And, a safe and fun trip.

  3. Wow, what a fantastic image!!!! Beautiful.

  4. Wonderful shot sherri! Lenslight... don't think I have that one yet. You always get me in to trouble on these apps.... but will check it out. HOpe that your Christmas was lovely!

  5. Magical winter scene and image. Wishing you and yours all the best in 2014!

  6. I use Snapseed, too, and really love it. This image is beautiful!

    Happy New Year!
