Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Light Trumps Darkness

Queen Anne's lace

There’s always going to be bad stuff out there. But here’s the amazing thing — light trumps darkness, every time. You stick a candle into the dark, but you can’t stick the dark into the light. ~Jodi Picoult

I took this picture of some Queen Anne's Lace in my back yard a few weeks ago...it was the perfect photo to share with Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday today. I love how the delicate white flower positively glows against the deep green of the forest. It lights up the whole photo. It perfectly represents who Kim is...for those of you who don't know her, she's an absolutely lovely presence in the blog world and has used her vast knowledge of photography and editing to teach thousands of people how to better process their photos. And she doesn't just teach - her huge heart and positive spirit can be felt through the computer screen and you can't help but be affected by her light. It's because of Kim that I have this blog and find such joy in taking photos (and processing both my images and art in PSE). Everything I know about PSE is because of her classes. She is the kindest teacher you could ever meet and I highly recommend her online courses.

This photo also represents that in every darkness, there is always the light of faith and hope to help you through. Kim's family has been dealt a blow recently as her husband fights leukemia...despite this health scare for her family, her strong spirit carries on and it's heartwarming to hear of all the love and support Kim and her husband are receiving from family and community. I hope she feels all the prayers and good thoughts coming her way from everyone who cares about her in the online world, too. I will continue sending daily prayers that her husband beats this cancer and makes a complete recovery. Light trumps darkness, every time.



  1. A wonderful post, and such a beautiful photograph, Sherri.

  2. Photo is lovely! You are a nice friend to post this.

  3. Beautiful words and photo!! Praying for Kim and John here. :)

  4. So beautiful, it was the contrast of light and dark that drew me to this image.

  5. Love the deep greens ... they contrast with the white Queen Anne's Lace so beautifully. {Visiting from TT.}

  6. Beautiful Sherri simplicity at it's purest....

  7. A wonderful tribute to Kim and summons up her wonderful caring nature so very well.

  8. Beautifully put, Sherri! Your image is fabulous.

  9. Beautiful image and beautiful post.

  10. I do believe that there is an immense number of followers of Kim's work and classes out there...America and beyond. That is a lot of powerful faith and blessings for Kim, her husband and family. I do believe that all good deeds are eventually rewarded with blessings....your words are a comfort for her and others who struggle.

    I often photograph Queen Ann's Lace, but it is never within the context of lush green vegetation...it fairly bursts with liveliness.
    Beautiful photograph.

  11. THIS is a gorgeous shot Sherri and I also just love your thoughts with this. Definitely have also learned so much from Kim, and have been keeping her in my thoughts also! Hope you had a wonderful 4th!
