Tuesday, June 4, 2013

iPhoneography Love

iphone fun

iphone fun

iphone fun

iphone fun

iphone fun

I have things in my head that are not like what anyone taught me—shapes and ideas so near to me, so natural to my way of being and thinking. ~Georgia O’Keeffe

I've been hard on myself lately because I haven't been taking photos with my "real" camera...but when I think about it, I AM taking photos, and I'm also being very creative. I'm finding that my iPhone is as satisfying to me as taking photos and processing them in Photoshop Elements. The apps available for iPhones can do such amazing things! And as you play and experiment, you find your own "style" and preferences just like with any other art medium.

With my summer so busy, it's harder to find time to go on photo outings with my real camera, but I always have my iPhone with me and can snap shots anywhere, even while out running errands. Later in the evening, I can sit and have fun processing them while watching TV. It has become a relaxing routine I am loving quite a lot. Even the most basic shots can be turned into artistic images with the incredible apps that are available. A lot of my images are taken in parking lots, or while sitting in my car at stop lights!

Do you find yourself in this same predicament with your iPhone versus your "real" camera? Here are a few favorites from the past week. Two new apps I'm completely smitten with are Mextures and Mystic. Mextures has fantastic textures that add so much character/mood to your images. Mystic has hundreds of quotes, beautiful frames, and lovely filters. I'm addicted! :)


  1. You have done some really wonderful edits with your iphone. I have all the apps but find I really and truly prefer my big girl camera. It is good in a pinch when I don't have my camera but just can't get in the groove with the editing. I am sure what they say with practice would help me with that. I do really like what you have done with all these. Keep up the good work, nice to look at what you have done.

  2. Am especially drawn to your first one as it also seems to represent me! And of course I now have a new app. I find that I take a few photos with my Iphone, but love my DSLR and often have it with me. Not ususally at work, but all of the time otherwise. I look like the proverbial tourist everwhere I go. I do have to admit though that the IPHONE is always handy. Love your processing Sherri

  3. My daughter is in the same boat as you. She rarely gets her big camera out, but is quite often snapping away with her iPhone. I figure as long as she is being creative it doesn't really matter what the tool is. I have to add mextures to my pool of apps.

  4. Wow I so love the pylon with text that looks as if you created from scratch with glue and paper...

  5. You sure can work magic with your iphone! I am probably the last living soul who doesn't have one, so I stay focused on my big camera. I would surely get too distracted with too many choices. But I love to see what others can create with all the apps out there now.

  6. I'm fairly certain that is the loveliest any power lines and transmission towers ever looked.

    I don't take many pics. But when I see something gorgeous in nature, I usually think, "Man, Sherri B would be all over that." :)

  7. Am loving the effects you're achieving with you iphone app! And - I'm inspired by those who capture images with their simple iphones. I think I might set it as my summer challenge!

  8. Hi Sherri - for me it's not the tool but the result so I say keep shooting with the camera that's with you and in most cases that will be your iPhone! ♥

  9. I love the phone for image making my maxim is always the best camera is the one you have with you, these are lovely.

  10. Hi Sherri, I have always thought that you were one of the best iPhone photographers that I know. I love your images, no matter which camera you use!

    I generally default to my SLR and forget to take iPhone photos of scenes and events – hence my Instagram feed is very sparse. I really would love to do more iPhone images but I usually forget!
