Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Winter Bouquet

flower bouquet

flower bouquet

Nobody sees a flower—really—it is so small it takes time—we haven’t time—and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. ~Georgia O’Keeffe

Here are a couple more of my grocery store flower images...my color fix continues! We are supposedly getting our first big snowstorm of the season here in Virginia tomorrow - a possibility of 6 to 8 inches. At least I'll look forward to some snow photos, which I haven't been able to get yet this winter! We've had lots of sleet and rain, but very little snow.

I'm linking up with Texture Tuesday today - I added a texture in the first image (Kim's "Cora", at Color Burn/25%). It really added a lovely richness. Happy Tuesday to all of you!



  1. Lovely, such gorgeous colours. We are just saying hello to spring over here, can't believe you have snow coming!

  2. Such beautiful colors and focus! They make me happy on a winter day.

  3. Love the rich colors. I'd say a wonderful prelude to Spring.
    I'm sorry that you have a snowstorm coming, but hopefully it will provide an opportunity for lovely winter shots for you :)

  4. Love the images and the composition. Have fun with the snow, we're supposed to be getting more here in Ohio over the next couple of days.

  5. Beautiful! Have fun taking your winter-scene shots!

  6. Gosh, I do so love the grocery store flowers - hope you get good pics of the snow - it's snowing in Chicago, and I hear it's really coming down!!

  7. Gorgeous! REally like that second shot tho. It's as if they are peeking out the window :)

  8. Those colours definitely revive and enliven, Sherri. Love your captures.

  9. How beautiful these are.
    A wonderful reminder of the spring to come.

  10. SO lovely, the texture adds a softness... I created my first ever textured image today and shared over at Kim’s as well… (GFC is still not working so I couldn't join, but I did subscribe to your rss feed...)

  11. I share your love of color...These shots are wonderful and the editing just enriches them....

  12. absolutely breathtaking. You know my passion for strong, bold colors. This is stunning.

  13. I hope you get your snow. I would love to share some :) I don't usually try color burn, but I will have to give it a try.

  14. Sherri these have such a beautiful color. Don't you just love having a good excuse for getting yourself some flowers!!
