Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What Will Your Soil Bear?

Consider what each soil will bear

"Consider what each soil will bear, and what each refuses." ~Virgil

I'm participating in Kim's Texture Tuesday this week - her theme is flower. Sadly, the only decent flower I can take a photo of right now is indoors...yesterday, we had another snow and even though spring has officially begun, it still feels like winter here in Virginia. I've shared a few shots of our snow storm below, but first I had fun with Kim's flower prompt. I took some close-up photos of a bouquet of grocery store flowers recently, and this was a favorite...I used Kim's "Cora" texture at Soft Light/26%, and also put my image through Radlab. I loved the dreamy effect I got, and the image seemed to be begging for a quote. I love the meaning behind this quote, or at least, my own interpretation of it. What "grows" in our life absolutely depends on whether it's compatible with who we are at the core. A mismatch between soil and seed will mean poor growing conditions.

Thank you for stopping by - I'm hoping that soon I will have many beautiful spring blooms to share...winter has overstayed its welcome!

Here is what I woke up to yesterday, four days after the official start of spring:

Spring snow

Spring snow

Spring snow



  1. As wearisome as winter is becoming, she is a true princess when the snow falls softly and creates soft sculptures. You captured the true spirit of winter's gift of snow. The white cloaking the green leaves is gorgeous.
    Enjoy what you can photograph only on great occasion. At least that is the way it is in Charlotte. smiles: sharon

  2. My flower was indoors also thanks to Virgil for covering us in snow and nothing really popping out in full bloom yet. I love the photo and texture. The snow is pretty too.

  3. Beautiful! Love the soft pastel colors.

    I can definitely relate about Winter overstaying its welcome. I've had enough of it too. I am so ready to see Spring in all its brilliant colors.

  4. Love the last photo, the fence one, even though I too am sick of snow and ready for some flowers

  5. What a beautiful flower power photo! Love!! I'm with you on winter ... it's been hanging around too long.

  6. Oh my you did get a blanket of snow! Lovely images you have!

  7. sweet photos, both warm & cold. Sweet flower & lovely texture!!

  8. Oh my Sherri, so sorry about the snow, but you know what? That last photo is just gorgeous! Love your flower shot, I saw some of those at the nursery a couple of weeks ago, the little pattern on their leaves caught my eye! And thank you so much for the well wishes for my son!! xo

  9. Sweet photo Sherri, what a contrast we are having such a cold snap here in the UK as well...

  10. You have the beauty of two very different seasons - all at once.

  11. that pink is so delightful whether it's from the store or in the ground. :) hoping spring find its way to your neck of the woods soon.

  12. Very nicely done. Really like your snow photos.


  13. Beautiful work! I hope that spring finds you soon.

  14. Your flower is so beautiful, I love the light and delicate shades of pink and warm yellow! The snowy landscape is very poetic - but less spring-like ...

  15. This post is gorgeous! ♥
    I’ve started a new meme for flowers in my blog: http://monaspicturesque.blogspot.fi/2013/03/floral-love-good-friday.html
    Come and share your flowers if you have time!
    Happy Easter!

  16. So am I allowed to say the snow is beautiful? Or is that kind of language strongly discouraged? :)

  17. Beautiful photo of the flower. I loved the second shot even better.. looks like a fairy tale. I understand that it must feel frustrating not to have sunshine. I've always preferred warm places esp since I come from India which is much warmer. I hope you have lots of sunshine and warmth in the coming weeks. xo

  18. I absolutely love the first image the flower brings a wide smile to my face, the winter scenes are lovely.
