Wednesday, December 19, 2012



The trick is to be grateful when your mood is high and graceful when it is low. ~Richard Carlson

It's been a week of battling my emotions, of dealing with this conflicting sense of both deep sadness and wanting to enjoy the holiday season. I see the seasonal lights, the Santas at the shopping malls, the houses decorated so festively, and those moments take me back to the joyful memories of Christmas that are tucked away in my mind. But then the tragedy in Connecticut flashes before me and my gut wrenches for all those families who are in the depths of despair. It's definitely made me stop more often to feel grateful for all that I have. More than ever before, I don't care about the presents or the holiday food; I simply want to be with my family, to see their smiling faces and feel blessed that they're here and with me.

Christmas is only six days away and I'm getting very busy; I may or may not post again before the holidays. If not, I'm wishing you a peaceful holiday season surrounded with love, gratefulness, and grace. Best wishes from my house to yours!


  1. I love that quote! That will go into my new year's journal for sure. I drove past a flag at half mast about a half hour ago...and was struck by the thought that I'd actually had a few hours without consciously thinking of those sweet children and their caregivers. First I've been able to let go of it even a little. I know we'll all be extra grateful these next few weeks...enjoy your Christmas!!

  2. A lovely quote and a fab festive image. :)
    Have a wonderful Christmas with your beloved ones.

  3. Blessings to you this Christmas. Yes this event has certainly make you think of all of your own blessings, and gratitude for your own family. Do have a joyeax noel!

  4. You speak for me too in not caring about the presents but wanting to be with loved ones. I love your wish for the season and I wish it back to you for now and into 2013. And that's a keeper quote too.

  5. I totally understand your sentiments about Christmas this year. Sending you thoughts of peace and love...

  6. Merry Christmas to you Sherri. May you find joy in the heart of your family.

  7. The wish of peace sure supersedes all others this year for me.

    Merry Christmas, Sherri. Thanks for being the biggest (and possibly only) supporter of my poetry blog :)

  8. What a sweet and happy Christmas image. Wishing you a Happy One!

  9. I've just been catching up on your last few posts - all beautiful, both in words and images.
    Best wishes to you for the holiday season.
    (PS Thank you for visiting my new blog!)

  10. Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy 2013 :)

  11. oh Sherri, have a wonderful Christmas!!!! You have a beautiful heart Sherri...
