Thursday, March 13, 2014

Light and Shadows

light and shadows

I haven't been blogging much apologies for being absent and out of the loop. I've been dealing with some pretty intense rib cage/upper back pain for about five weeks now and it's just not's very uncomfortable to sit for more than a few minutes at a time. This has put a huge cramp on my blog posts, photo editing, and any other creative thing I'm wanting to do...all of which require sitting. I'm also having trouble sleeping because lying down just doesn't feel good. I've started physical therapy this week and am hoping it will start helping me heal. I'm trying to stay positive and not let my discomfort get me down. Any and all prayers and good thoughts are deeply appreciated.

The weather went crazy last night - we went from the high 60s to single digit temperatures overnight. The winds were brutal - in excess of 60 mph! It's still very gusty this morning but it's supposed to slow down soon. Needless to say, I haven't been outside and I took the above image this morning in my dining room. The grain, light and shadows are symbolic of my state of mind right now: there's an ongoing struggle between the frustration of my pain and my hope that I'll be better soon!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope spring is coming soon wherever you are! We're almost there...


  1. This photo looks like it could be a very high quality charcoal! Beautiful.

  2. P.S. I hope you are feeling better soon!

  3. This is such an incredibly peaceful scene with the most amazing light. I'm sorry to hear that you are in so much pain and I hope you start feeling better soon.

  4. I was so disheartened to read of your back pain. Five weeks must seem like five years. Our son and his daughter have chronic back pain and it is only their attitude that pulls them through at times. I can truly feel for you....I am glad you shared your health issues, it widens the group to pray and send positive thoughts to you. We can all pray that your physical therapy will bring must be dreading and yet desiring it. I hope that with each week you can do a few more of those things that bring you much joy and fulfillment. Thank you for sharing. I hope we can know further how you are doing. And yes, your photo is beautiful...very refined.

  5. Hi Sherri, I'm sending you warm thoughts & prayers that you'll pain would easen up and that the physical therapy would help soon! Being not able to sleep, together with the pain, must be almost unbearable ... Yet, your eyes still capture the beauty around you - such a wonderful light, and shadows, and a calm and peaceful feeling.

  6. Just catching up on some reading this evening and came across this post. I hope by now you are feeling much better. Meanwhile, I send you healing thoughts and blessings...

  7. So sorry that you are having this issue going on to deal with. Winter alone wasn't bad enough. No wonder you aren't feeling like blogging too much. HOpe the PT really helps and that you are on the mend really soon!

  8. You know Sherri, I love looking at your photos and ow much they have changed in the past years!

  9. Just thinking about you this morning as I saw your comment and hope that you are feeling better. I will never forget last year falling off of my bike and breaking all of those ribs... what that pain feels like in the rib area. Hope that you are doing better! and that the spring weather will be here and fill you with inspiration. Hugs to you this morning!

  10. dear dear soul. in pain and still kind enough to stop by my blog to comment. so here i am to try to cheer you up a bit. i can inly imagine how frustrating it must be to be incapacitated from what you love most. I have gone through bouts of neck pain lately since i embroider so much with my neck tilted down. sending love
