Sunday, February 16, 2014

February Slump

February snow in Virginia

February snow in Virginia

February snow in Virginia

February snow in Virginia

February snow in Virginia

February snow in Virginia

February snow in Virginia

February snow in Virginia

I'd do just about anything for love...except move to Alaska. And lately, Virginia has felt a little bit like Alaska with its unusually brutal temperatures and excessive snow flakes! I've just about had enough...the days are long and frigid. The landscape is so bleak, which matches my state of mind this past week. It's so cold that I rarely go outside because my body wants to hibernate. I experience this winter slump every year at this time - my creativity goes out the window (along with my motivation).

We had our biggest snow yet on Thursday into Friday, and I finally wandered outside the next day to take a few photos in my back yard. The landscape was very symbolic of my February state of mind: thoughts that cast long shadows, and creativity as stark as the snow...a white, empty space. However, at least the sun was shining! That was a welcome change from the gray, cloudy days we'd been having.

Spring will be here soon, and as always, my enthusiasm will return with the flowers! I can't wait...thanks for stopping by. I'm linking up with Kathy's Song-ography today - her song theme is "I'd Do Anything For Love..."

And winter sheds its grief in snow… ~Emily Brontë


  1. you don't have to look far or hard to find beauty in nature, even in winter!!

  2. I am right with you about the winter slump. I jokingly declared winter over a few days ago ... and sure enough it snowed last night and then again tomorrow. Will it ever end?

  3. This has certainly been a winter to test our love of seasons. You managed to find some natural beauty in all this 'blah'.

  4. I really love that first image - fantastic shadow!

  5. I am in totally agreement about this weather but in the meantime I will concentrate on your lovely photographs.....

  6. You've summed up my thoughts exactly. I've been trying to put my finger on it, but slump is the perfect word.

  7. Oh I am totally with you! I am so unenthused about photography myself lately. Actually, the only thing I haven't lost enthusiasm form appears to be EATING! ARGH. I need to get out of this house and I need some color in my life. Hopefully Mother Nature will take pity on us sooner, rather than later. Thanks for joining in at Song-ography.

  8. I love seeing your beautiful images! The holly and magnolia are gorgeous.

  9. I love how your shadow shot mimics the sunburst shot. Your creativity looks like it kicked into gear for this series. I enjoyed looking at your photos!

  10. I feel your pain. But some projects have made such a difference for me this year.

  11. Oh wow the shadows and light in these is amazing


  12. Beautiful shots Sherri! Think they do look a little like alaska! Spring can't come soon enough for me, although it was iin t he 70's here this past weekend. Sure it will get cold again, but I did enjoy that coastal sunshine.

  13. It looks so beautiful to me Sherri. I know I live in South Florida where 60 degrees is what we equate with frigid temperatures. But your photos are so stunning and inviting

  14. Aren't we all feeling this forever long winter that just doesn't seem to quit. Gorgeous imagery - as always!
