Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Cup of Water and A Crust of Bread

winter light

winter light

winter light

The simplicity of winter has a deep moral. The return of nature, after such a career of splendor and prodigality, to habits so simple and austere, is not lost either upon the head or the heart. It is the philosopher coming back from the banquet and the wine to a cup of water and a crust of bread. ~John Burroughs

Winter is like a blank canvas...the colors are missing, and it's up to us to find them elsewhere and create our own picture. We must turn inward and find the vibrancy we're searching for. For this reason, it's the most challenging of the seasons, I think. Mother nature strips away the distractions and we find ourselves in a more contemplative and stark state...we must search inside for our colors. And sometimes they hide from us! So we seek, we ruminate, we gather up what colors we can...and we wait. Meanwhile, thank goodness for the sun's light...it offers some brightness to an otherwise drab landscape.

Winter creates a gratefulness about nature's colors...when they're taken away, we can't wait for them to come back again! With spring's first blossom, our spirits blossom, too.


  1. Love the lighting that you have captured here Sherri! Ready for spring!

  2. I love this post and it is so very true......I love the way your insights are from a deep place and reflect what most of think but can't put into words.....

    Your edit of these photographs are awesome. You certainly captured the essence of winter beauty......

  3. Such beautiful sunlight, and you know it's really not by accident that in the winter the trees have no leaves and the sun is low in the sky!! ;)

  4. What a warm, golden light falling on the flowers ... So beautiful! Finding the colors from within ~ poetic and so true! Like you, I cherish and welcome the spring.

  5. So well written and so true about winter. I never thought about it that way, but we do need to find our own colors in the winter.

  6. A beautiful series of winter images, along with your insightful words.

  7. lovely work. i like the first shot especially...
    i agree with what you wrote, but i sort of embrace all that winter is. it is stripped away and raw. just the true structure of what is underneath. love that. that and all the textures.
    thank you for your sweet words on my blog this morning! i hope you'll come back and join my photo linky party on fridays... 1440. just have to link a photo of a moment of beauty that you captured.

  8. And you've done such a beautiful job of coloring winter's color-less landscape! Stunning images!!!

  9. Absolutely breathtaking images....winter is truly full of color, even deep snow. I have a son and family who live in Asia...there are NO seasons. I would go crazy if I didn't have seasons to look forward to and embrace. Each season seems to renew life, even winter. These truly are gorgeous photos....smiles: sharon

  10. What pretties for the eye's to see!

  11. Beautiful images. I love the light in the first one - gorgeous.

  12. I second you on the sunlight. I tend to take it for granted in summer when there's such an abundance. But in winter, even a moment's glimpse, provides hope.
