Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Painterly Hibiscus


Out of gardens grow fleeting flowers but lasting friendships. ~Beverly Rose Hopper

We have the most wonderful neighbors here in our new Florida home...we live in a community of villas, and that can mean close quarters. But, we won the lottery when it comes to the lovely people who surround us. Their kindness and camaraderie reminds me very much of my experiences as an army brat growing up on military bases. The whole neighborhood knew each other, took time to say hello and chat, and looked out for one another. There is the same caring energy here and that makes me very happy.

As an example, one of my neighbors brings me blooms from her hibiscus trees every week...the blooms only last for one day, so she wants to share the beauty. It's a small thing, but it's the everyday kind gestures that stick with us, don't you think? Seeing these gorgeous flowers in my home on a regular basis is a constant reminder of how lucky I am to live here.

I took this photo with my iPhone and edited it with camera apps (on my iPad). The apps I used were TangledFX, Stackables, and Superimpose. I love how TangledFX brings out the details of flowers - it's always so striking! I'm linking up today with Nature Footstep's digital art meme.


  1. Beautiful, so nice to see you back!

  2. The flower is exquiste. The colours in this image are enchanting.

  3. Gorgeous flower. I pray neither of my neighbors ever moves. They have both been so quiet. Having had rowdy neighbors in the past, I know what a blessing this is.

    So so so so so happy to see you back!

  4. love it. The flowers are gorgeous and now I want to continue with learning to paint in CS5. I wonder if I can do something like this. :)
    Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Beautiful edit! And beautiful flowers, too.
