Wednesday, May 20, 2015

iPhoneography: Clever Painter App


Magnolia blooms are everywhere down here in Florida at the moment...they're so beautiful. I edited this iPhone photo using the Clever Painter app. It's a great little app and I need to remember to use it more often when I want a painterly look. I also used the Charcoal feature in Repix to further "smudge" the petal edges. I loved the results.


  1. cool effect..I just got Clever Painter but haven't played much with it yet.

  2. Very pretty painting. We have magnolias here too but they are too high up for me to get a center shot of them!

  3. Ooh, I am liking this a lot♪

  4. The painterly effect of this delightful flower adds a touch of romantic enchantment.

  5. Definitely looks like a painting.

    I have some beautiful lilies blooming out front. They're burgundy-ish. I should probably take a picture, huh?

  6. Lovely image Sherri. I tend to use Brushstroke but I think I have Clever painter in my arsenal, And I love to use Repix. Never thought about using it like you did tho. I tend to use it more on the background. Thanks for the ideas!

  7. A great app! This photo does look like a painting!

  8. I think I have to buy myself a phone anytime soon. Some of those apps are great for artists :) Thanks for sharing your work. :)

  9. Oh, that's beautiful! .... Looks like a trip to the App Store is in order!

  10. Oh my, this is gorgeous! I'll have to check out the app. Have you ever used Waterlogue? It's a great watercolor app.

  11. Love your shot here Sherri! know you are having an awesome time in FLA and enjoying all of the gorgeous flowers and ocean.

  12. Just stopping back by and hoping that your summer is going well!

  13. Beautiful Sherri! You introduce me to new and exiting apps ... this painterly style looks both soft and naturalistic - love how the magnolia stands out!
