Monday, March 30, 2015

The Brilliance of Clouds


Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~Rabindranath Tagore

Oh, the clouds. Here in Florida, I gasp every day when I look up at the sky. Never have I seen such a variety of clouds and sunsets...the colors and light are brilliant. In Virginia, my view was always blocked by the massive trees that were everywhere in our community. I do miss those trees, but man-oh-man, how I love this new, wide open view. I feel like I can lungs open up as I just stand there and stare.

I'm sharing my photo today over at the Nature Footstep blog - please click HERE to visit and add your "catching light" photo to the prompt. I took all of these cloud photos with my iPhone. My poor Lumix has been sadly neglected these past few months.


  1. These clouds are truly glorious! I'm so pleased to hear you are happy in your new home!

  2. Lovely clouds...they are never the same and it takes time to really spot and capture the sun drenched ones♪

  3. My parents lived in Florida and we visited them frequently and that was one of the things I noticed each time I went down there ... The skies were always beautiful one way or another and never the same twice. Even when rain came, it was brief and followed by the fresh smell that raain engneders and a beautiful blue sky dotted with light fluffy clouds. You have captured it all here and it brings back such good memories. I really must make it back to Florida some day:)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. Isn't is fabulous? We always say everything is bigger in Texas, like the sky, but it's probably just because the trees aren't as tall, lol. Glad your enjoying your new digs.

  5. You've caught some very pretty light there. What a gorgeous set of pictures!
    And that's a great quote by 'Gurudev.' Clouds do enhance the colours in the sunset sky.

  6. Truly magnificent shots ...
    Oh, those beautiful clouds ...

  7. So glad you're enjoying the new home! The pictures and your words have "Both Sides Now" softly wafting through my mind...

  8. I can see all the colors of the rainbow scattered among your clouds. Beautiful!

  9. Clouds are always an amazing view and your captures are brilliant!

  10. So ethereal. I love watching and photographing clouds too.
