Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Summery of August: Mostly Green, With a Chance of Color

August greens

August greens

August finds

August greens

August finds

Yes, the misspelling of "summary" was intentional...August is swarmy, and humid, and, well...summery. It's also filled with endless green in our yard...with tiny hints of color. It won't be long till the fall colors start slowly sneaking their way in. In fact, the little yellow leaf I found is a sweet hint of things to come. I can't wait! I'll be ready with my camera to capture the glorious colors.

Are there any hints of fall where you are? It won't be long!

It is one of those summer days that feel like a memory welling up in your throat. ~Jodi Picoult


  1. So beautiful - and yes, I'm seeing yellow in the trees...

  2. We came home this weekend from moving Mallory back to school and discovered some oak leaves already on the ground in our backyard. I hope it is a long and colorful fall!

  3. Saw my first leaf half red today although it actually is really warm today, an Indian Summer I think...

  4. thats the one thing I miss in florida, to see the colors changing with fall. I love fall.

  5. ooooooo I love that funky leaf!

  6. hello again. i have those purple flowers in my garden. do you by any chance know the name of it? i don't. thank you sherri for such a lovely blog.
