Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pearly White Thoughts


It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it. ~C.S. Lewis

Thoughts are like a silent voice, constantly present in our minds...the older I get, the more conscious I am of making sure those thoughts are positive ones. The negative ones show up, believe me, but I don't let them stay long. The burden of inner turmoil and worry is a heavy one to a lifelong worry wart, I am constantly trying to learn better ways of bearing the load!

I'm linking up today with Poets United - they're offering a weekly prompt for poetry writing called First Verse. This week's prompt is "voices". The image above is of my beloved corgi in her favorite spot, enjoying the view as the sun rises (captured with my trusty iPhone). Thank you for stopping by! Click HERE to visit Poets United.


A tender glow
From the moon's soul
Pearly white thoughts
Purest shapes of grace
Till softly as a turned page
The morning light breaks
Gently pierced
By a dove's beak

Blackberry wind
Sweetly lulls the grass
Ruffling my thoughts
Even the broken ones
Stirring my spirit, my
Heart's heavy curtain
Amidst pleated leaves and
Lawns embered orange
With the dawn.

© Sherri Brannon


  1. Your poem gives a soothing effect to heart and mind

  2. "til softly as a turned page the morning light breaks" what a lovely description! Beautiful poem!

  3. That quote is so true, wasn't it a piece of straw that broke the camels back? The older I get the more I am so careful about who I am with and what I watch and listen tender soul just can't take the negativity from the news or the drama from others.

    Your poem is, well, just unbelievably beautiful!

  4. Lawns embered orange with the dawn
    That is so beautiful and magically seals the building imagery of the entire poem. I want to be there!

  5. This is visually the blackberry wind, and the lawns embered orange with the dawn. Love your corgi's sweet face too!

  6. this is just dripping with visual imagery, so lovely

  7. The first verse is a calming psalm in and of itself.....

  8. Very nice imagery...and I agree, dwelling on positive thoughts is better than dwelling on the negative!

  9. this image-filled poem is lovely from beginning to end. i really like the notion of broken thoughts. glad you joined us at verse first.

  10. A very serene poem. Ruffling my thoughts - that is beautiful imagery. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  11. Hi Sherri! Great to see you at Poet's United! So many wonderful lines in your poem = love
    Till softly as a turned page
    The morning light breaks

  12. So many beautiful lines in your poem. Love contemplating a 'blackberry wind.'

    So nice to see you at Poets United!

  13. oh look at that baby. The poem is beautiful Sherri...
