Thursday, October 4, 2012

Soul Glitter


The prompt for this week's Photo Art Friday is "figure(s)". I played around with a photo I took of a statue and my results are subtle, but my goal was to tie it in with a poem I wrote (below). Of all the poems I've ever written, this is the one I love the is the essence of me, and how my poetry is such a part of who I am.

I love statues...there's just something about them! There is always such emotion on their faces, as if they were once alive and are now frozen in time. For this image, I used Bonnie's "Drops of Jupiter" texture - it added a tinge of blue to the statue which was what I was looking for (I used a reverse layer mask so the blue appeared only on the statue). I also added a cloud texture to give the sky more interest (it was a gray day but no clouds). I used the dry brush artistic effect (at 25%) to make the image look slightly more painterly. As always, I finished it up in Radlab. Please click on the button below to visit more photo art!


When the shell of me dies
I’ll exhale my spirit
And float to the sky
Wandering in heaven
Scrawling my poems
In iridescent blues
Onto the wings of angels
While they sing in a choir

And when the angels return
To earth, my musings
Will travel with them
Coating their delicate wings
Like soul glitter
Scattering loose as they fly
Settling onto earthly things
And clinging there for life
A way for me to endure
In everlasting blues
Without having to
Say goodbye

My blues will dust
The steely surface
Of a statue in a garden
Seeping through its layers
To its secretly soft insides
Or glisten on a spider web
My tangled orb of emotions
In the dewy, indigo light
They’ll smudge the moon
With violet shadows
Hanging ripe and heavy
In a midnight sky

My reveries will linger on
In this earthly world I love
As a tinge of cobalt hues
Wherever the visiting angels
With scribbled wings fly.

© Sherri Brannon

Photo Art Friday


  1. Sherri -- This is just magical! I adore your poem and the title is perfect! Your crafting of the photo is gorgeous, I love the results!

  2. Sherri, you are a scribe of sacred scribblings. Here is a virtual hug, because I so appreciate how you offer your loving, open, vulnerable view of the world to us.

  3. Oh my, so beautiful! The photo and poem made me smile and brought tears to my eyes at the same time! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Sherri this is just awesome! I so love your poetry, and the photo and processing on this statue is just amazing!

  5. What an inspiring pairing, Sherri. The image is beautiful and your poem clearly comes from the heart and resonates deeply in mine. You've already dusted my heart and mind with your cobalt soul glitter. Thank you so much for sharing these offerings with Photo Art Friday!

  6. A great image but your words stole the show for me today :) it reminded me of when my beloved Aunty Ivy died and at her funeral I saw a beautiful glittering energy, pale blues, pinks, greens and golds above her coffin...I don't normally have these experiences and am very down to earth but I'm sure that was her beautiful soul, very profound and beautiful, just like her :)

  7. Soul Glitter - I love that. Those words are now filed in my memory bank. This is a wonderful statue too. The hand position is terrific. Does she not want her picture taken? or is she protecting the turtle, saying Don't come any closer?

  8. I would dearly love to have this figure in my garden!

  9. Sherri,
    There are NOT words adequate to tell you how VERY MUCH this poem and your photograph reach inside of me. Especially today. As I first looked at it, I just let myself get lost in the photograph and the magic that it exudes, so gently yet definitively. I knew that I needed to just look and drink it in. Those blues jumped right up and felt like, well, like someone somewhere on BEyond was saying Hello!!
    I am utterly undone and deLIGHTing in it...

  10. wonderful, just wonderful. both the poem and photograph!

  11. What beautiful work - poem and image!

  12. Magical! A beautiful poem and a lovely piece of art. I enjoyed both very much.

  13. I am speechless, Sherri. Exquisite words and the images they create. Truly glorious - thank you so much.

  14. I agree, such a magical poem. So beautifully written. I felt myself travelling with you and coating the angel's wings with your words.
    I love that you used shades of blue in your poem. I associate with blue so much!
    You are awesome :)

  15. your poetry. And - the little statue is absolutely divine. Perfect!

  16. wow Sherri, what a beautiful poem. and that image is truly beautiful.

  17. Oh Sherri, I do hope some day you take the brushes and paint into your hands and share your creations with us...

  18. Hello, Dear! I've just discovered your lovely blog, and I'm now following you ~ so nice to meet you! This is just marvelous, your poem and the photo! ♥

  19. Beautiful words, strung together perfectly. Loved this.

  20. What a lovely lovely poem. I read this over and over!

  21. Beautiful post, fantastic autumn illustration. I am greeting
