Thursday, December 8, 2011

Snowman Collection


Do you have a Christmas collection at your house? In our family, we have a snowman collection that seems to grow with each passing year. Every year, I say, "This has got to stop," and every year I find myself buying one more snowman that's too cute to pass up. I keep them all together in one spot in our dining room, but there's not much space left on my dining room hutch. They've taken over every square inch, but it sure is festive. This snowman sits in one of our dining room chairs, and I loved the texture captured in this photo. This is my submission for both Texture Thursday at The Daily Wyatt and This or That Thursday at Deb Duty Photography. Please visit their blogs to see some wonderful photos!


  1. Oh he's sooooooo cute. Yes, I collect many things...

    Hope you have a blessed day♥

  2. oh! that's so cute! a snowman collection! wow! how big is this one?

  3. What a cute snowman! I don't have a collection, but if I did snowmen would be at the top of my list. They are so fun!

  4. When growing up we had a large christmas stuffed animal collection. My mom would place them all on the back of the couch.

  5. He's so festive and cute! What a fun collection!
