Sunday, July 29, 2018


Bright noon clouds.

At the end of a day,
I take off my memories
of the bright noon clouds
and drape them
across the chair
beside my bed.
I hope the joy of them
will hang in the air around me
while I sleep.
I unbutton my thoughts
of the creek rambling by
with its shadows and shine,
how it carried the perfume
it found upstream last week
from that wild gypsy rose
on the mountainside.
I remember
how the scent of it
reached my nose
with a lovely blend
of crushed petals
and tender rain tears.

I slip off that moment
when I couldn't look up
and stare directly
at the sun, but the sun
was so kind; it gazed up at me,
instead, from its mirror
in the pond.
With sleepy eyes, I realize
the vivid memory
of that brilliant sky
has left finger prints,
like wet paint, on
everything I've touched.
Maybe I shouldn't
have undressed these thoughts,
tossed them so carelessly
from my mind?
Perhaps I'll find myself
waking from sleep,
reaching in the dark,
putting them back on.
I'll cradle the fabric of them
against my chest, my
sky-stained fingers folded,
blue and vibrant,
into my palms.

© Sherri Brannon


  1. This is so beautiful. I loved picturing the images as i read. I love the sky leaving fingerprints on everything you touched.

  2. I really love the image of undressing the thoughts... but maybe we should keep some into our dreams, (there are other thoughts that I need to shed, like a snakeskin though)

  3. This is a feast, magical realism having a blast with imagery and mind-painted moments. I love the last 9 lines best. The way the speaker considers reclaiming what has been discarded... and making part of the whole again.

  4. How lovingly the poet treats her memories of the day---like familiar old clothes that she wants to keep around as long as possible.

  5. So beautiful. I would like to make this a new bedtime practise, if only I could remember my day so well as you do. Your words evoked many lovely images. Thank you.

  6. This is amazing! You've made the day such a calm part of the night you've left me in awe.

  7. This is incredibly gorgeous and deeply meditative. I love the idea of undressing thoughts. 💜💜

  8. Your imagery is vibrant and exciting.
    Thanks for dropping by my Sunday Standard today Sherri


  9. Some wonderful word-weaving in this piece. Beautiful writing! A pleasure to read.

  10. Sherry, your writing is always a feast for the mind, turning on my inner movie camera.

  11. I hope the joy of them
    will hang in the air around me
    while I sleep.

    One would like to relive the good times again and again! Great word-craft Sherri!


  12. AH, this is beautiful in its gentle images and tender wording - to nestle close to those happy thoughts and memories can be so comforting. Those brilliant prints left by the sky in this whirlwind of a world shall be cherished. Lovely!

  13. an amazing idea, the memories and moments of the day as pieces of fabric.
    exquisitely done! :)

  14. Love the clothes metaphor here for memories... gorgeous.

  15. This is a beautiful Sherri, the imagery is wonderful.
    Taking the day to bed - I would have never thought of that. Lovely.
    Anna :o]

  16. Beautiful expression of appreciation for all the beauty that fills your day.

  17. What a perfectly beautiful extended metaphor. And what a well-dressed woman you are!
