Sunday, May 13, 2018

One Stone

One stone.

I walk on this earth
one seeker of billions
and I wonder what it is
the ground has witnessed
what must it think
about the mess of us
as we trample
our way across it

Each sharp pebble
each smooth stone
how does its story change
when a human hand
picks it up and skips it
across the river
taking it
from its home

Can it breathe
when it sinks
to the bottom
does it feel
abandoned and alone
or is it a new path
to freedom
from what it has known

Does it become broken
or does it fall unharmed
to the river's floor
do its colors become richer
beneath the water
does it dig itself in
become undercover
avoiding the others

Did it leave
a small piece of itself
behind on solid ground
are other rocks
waiting there
with broken hearts
keeping its place warm
wanting it back home

I walk on this earth
I'm just like those rocks
I trample across
one stone among billions
and Life
is the random pick
the quick flick
of that human hand.


  1. Love the image of being that stone... can we ever be anything more than those stones or are we also those who flick someone else being stone?

  2. Random pick , Quick flick. I completely agree.
    Gee! I would never look at rocks and come up with this. Brilliant work :D

  3. I LOVE this. It reminds me of a poem I wrote many years ago, contemplating the life cycle of rocks and all the passages they make to the present day. I love your closing lines, where you equate our journeys, as susceptible to that quick flick, of being tossed.

  4. "are other rocks
    waiting there
    with broken hearts"

    Luv the contemplative tone of the narrator in this poem

    Happy Sunday Sherri


  5. Great images in this lovely poem.

  6. "I trample across
    one stone among billions
    and Life
    is the random pick..."
    very perceptive piece.

  7. and Life
    is the random pick
    the quick flick
    of that human hand.

    Questions and lots unanswered. Life is found such, in turmoil and confusion which makes it all the more interesting though! Thoughtful take Sherri!


  8. A thoughtful and thought provoking piece, beautifully rendered, with a strong close that gives pause.

  9. We certainly realise how small we are in the scheme of things when considering a pebble. However our egos are mighty and for some reason think it best to destroy the world that nutures us.

  10. I will never pick up another pebble without contemplating your words. Food for thought indeed. Perfect.

  11. Lovely refections, wonderful metaphor.

  12. "Does it become broken 
    or does it fall unharmed 
    to the river's floor"

    Love this! Beautifully deep!💜

  13. I love rocks and stones...each an individual. Each on its own journey. The rocks know so much, I wish I could understand their messages.

  14. Love the analogy and that close is simply terrific.
