Sunday, March 5, 2017

Poetry: Grounded



I seek out the water
and we breathe together
I look into the
honest eyes
of the dusk flowers
and we see each other
I love these moments
how my soul
takes time to notice
I have long resisted
that my sensitivity
is my strength
we fools of the world
there are days
I'd rather not
have my fragile heart
be my super power
with my soft approach
my love of dead poets
my lofty thoughts of God
all tethered down
by this ball and chain
of a brain

I seek comfort in nature
its wordless wonder
with no malice or sting
there are no greedy stars
with cynical hearts
I think about the sound
the moon must make
when it brushes
against the water
and I'm forever grateful
the herons don't mock
they have no sharp tongues
no sorrows that burn
no eyes filled
with fire and ego
I watch them fly
daring me to follow
and I stand there
as they depart
for the sky
to their paradise,
their star-God life.

© Sherri Brannon 2017

The jewel is the awaring presence, not the object being seen. That’s why we can be bored and disappointed while gazing at the Swiss Alps and ecstatic and blissed out over a crumpled cigarette package in the gutter. The beauty is in the quality of the seeing, the awareness, the presence, not in the object being seen. ~Joan Tollifson

This is my first poem I've written in well over a's nice to be back. Real life has been very busy. The image was taken with my iPhone and edited with Stackables.


  1. that soft touch through the poem.

  2. "there are no greedy stars
    with cynical hearts"

    Nature is perfect, isn't she? She has a way of reminding us that everything that is comes with a purpose... and promises both horrors and wonders. It's up to us to harvest the best bits.

  3. I find it sad that the sensitive voices are silenced... after all, voices like yours are those making the world better.

  4. I seek comfort in nature
    its wordless wonder
    with no malice or sting
    there are no greedy stars
    with cynical hearts

    Beautiful!!❤️ Your words inspired me.

  5. Sherri, it is so lovely to read you. This poem is wonderful! I love the honest eyes of the dusk flowers, especially. Our hearts are both fragile (sensitive) and strong, and I resonate with the heart being tethered down by the brain. The imagery in the second stanza is breathtaking. What a gorgeous poem!

  6. I love the "thoughts of God all tethered down by ....brain" How true, and how well expressed. Great read!

  7. So profound, Sherri, and such a lovely image.

  8. Having a sensitive heart is a superpower, but harsh words are its kryptonite.

  9. The poem and image go together well! Nature is the best, isn't it? I seek it constantly.

  10. What stunningly beautiful poem so apt for these troubling times. Absoutely wonderful

  11. Now I'm thinking about the sound the moon makes as it brushes against water and what my super power is.

  12. This is simply gorgeous, both the photo and your words,


  13. Some lovely images in this: "the honest eyes of the dusk flowers" ... sigh ... wonderful ~ evocative ~ ~ ~

  14. Nature is certainly a great and never-failing comfort.

  15. Your prose/poetry is becoming more eloquent each time you express yourself. And the same can be said about your images. I do agree that our brains can become a ball and chain, tethering us down. Especially with the world and America in so much turmoil.
    I tried to leave a message on your post after this one. The address wouldn't work, but this is what I said:
    So lovely, so thoughtful, so well expressed, topped with a perfect image. You have dug deep, tracing your days from then to now. So enjoy your thoughts and thinking process. smiles: sharon

  16. Sherri - I adore this creative work!!! Stunning and made me gasp!! Just beautiful - Belinda

    1. Just now seeing this...thank you, Belinda! <3
