Monday, March 30, 2015

The Brilliance of Clouds


Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~Rabindranath Tagore

Oh, the clouds. Here in Florida, I gasp every day when I look up at the sky. Never have I seen such a variety of clouds and sunsets...the colors and light are brilliant. In Virginia, my view was always blocked by the massive trees that were everywhere in our community. I do miss those trees, but man-oh-man, how I love this new, wide open view. I feel like I can lungs open up as I just stand there and stare.

I'm sharing my photo today over at the Nature Footstep blog - please click HERE to visit and add your "catching light" photo to the prompt. I took all of these cloud photos with my iPhone. My poor Lumix has been sadly neglected these past few months.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

When in Doubt, Just Jump Back In

Florida sunset

The day is ending. It’s time for something that was beautiful to turn into something else that is beautiful. Now, let go. ~Elizabeth Gilbert

Hello, Blog's been months since I've posted. I guess the only solution is to just jump right back in.

Living in Florida is fantastic. The weather is truly amazing. We left a gray winter landscape in Virginia, and exchanged them for vast blue skies and vibrant flowers everywhere. It's still surreal for me. Now I just need to get my creative groove back. Life has been so busy with the move since last October. I feel like this is an opportunity for me to begin anew with all things creative. I don't quite know yet which direction I'll go in, but I will let go and enjoy the process.

For now, I'm sharing a photo I took of a sunset last week. The sunsets here are as varied as the trees were in Virginia...every night there's a new surprise in the sky to awe me. The colors and clouds are magnificent. For this image, I used Kim's "Cora" texture at Multiply/25%. I also put the photo into Radlab to tweak it. I was very rusty with my Photoshop skills - it's been months since I've edited photos on my big computer. It felt good!

Thank you for stopping by. I hope to get back on track with my blog. Happy Tuesday to you!

Kim Klassen dot com