Wednesday, January 28, 2015

App Happy Wednesday: Fog Serenade

Fog serenade

Life is still super hectic - our moving truck comes in four days. But this morning I was sitting with my coffee and saw Barb's blog post for App Happy Wednesday. I couldn't resist! Editing my iPhone photos has been the one creative thing I've still tried to do through the craziness of this move.

Here is a photo I took recently when we made a quick trip to Florida. I absolutely love how I captured the sweet little bird perched at the top of the tree. It was purely a coincidence - we were driving down the highway and I took this through the passenger window. I used my new, favorite app to edit this photo: Stackables. It has the most amazing textures that add such beauty to an otherwise plain photo.

See you soon, blog world - I can't wait to be back on a more normal basis. Until then, have a wonderful day, OK?

Keeping With The Times

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Big Changes in 2015

Torn. Apps used: Modern Grunge, DistressedFX.

A lone tree in December.

Hello, Everyone - it's been awhile. The good news is that our house here in Virginia sold in one week. We are shocked and suddenly scrambling to get moved in less than a month. I can't believe I'll be in Florida permanently in such a short time. I'm feeling every emotion possible right now as I get ready to say goodbye to this beautiful home I've lived in for almost 20 years. There are so many memories'll be very sad to walk away, but I'm also happy for the new adventures and memories awaiting me down south.

Thank goodness for my iPhone and camera apps - my creative time has come to a dead halt these last weeks. But I do try to play with an iPhone photo each night while I sit and watch a little TV. Here are two photos I edited, featuring a great new app I've discovered: Modern Grunge (or Grunge HD). I just love it.

This will be my last post until I'm down in Florida and settled - it could be six weeks or so. It'll be strange to have all my 'Virginia woods and country roads' photos replaced with Florida palm trees and open skies. Until then - Happy New Year and I hope to be back soon!