Friday, November 14, 2014

Poem: Life Drawing

intuitive collage


Shape of a treasured memory
Hue of a hidden fear
Shade of an unfilled destiny
Tone of a tender tear

Contour of a fragile thought
Erase of a word that stings
Portrait of a soul that's lost
Sketch of a hope that clings

Value of a loving touch
Texture of a smile that's kind
Circle of a permanent scar
Oval of a light-filled eye.

©Sherri Brannon

I follow the wonderful dVerse blog, a 'poets pub' that encourages blog poets like me to post poetry on a weekly basis. They provide themes and/or prompts. I've never participated before but today's prompt caught my eye immediately because it's a subject so close to my heart.

I hope it's OK that I share a poem I wrote awhile back while immersed in an art class I was taking. I love painting so much but find that it's the first creative outlet to go when my life is busy. I haven't painted in a long while but am hoping to start up again after our move. It's the art form I'm most drawn to but also the most afraid of.

The poem came to me while learning all about lines, colors, and shapes...our lives are filled with these things in the form of joys, challenges, triumphs, and heartbreaks. The art piece is a collage I did using cutouts from books and magazines - it also has a piece of my personal poetry journal in it.

If poetry is your thing, please visit the dVerse blog and participate! Thanks so much for stopping by.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Last Night's Birds (A Poem)



I'm in a new space,
a childless house, its
pulse slowing, then silent.
There's a kinship with
the fading flowers, clustered
yet alone, muted in tone.
A feeling lingers, enveloping my heart,
like a flittering moth yearning for
the vast night's jar stars, and I,
the lonely watcher. Or, like the
maple tree in my back yard aching
for yesterday's birds and
those birds, in turn, searching
in vain for the air.

The November air hangs sharply
on the edges of burning leaves.
I rake up their withered flames, my
mother heart cracked lengthwise,
my memories wisping skywards, my
love mingling with the wood smoke.
I seek comfort from non-human things:
fungi blooming shyly on the forest floor,
glass ponds beckoning as mirrors.
I stoop to gather my words in the woods,
uprooted in tufts of pungent earth.
Hope's gentle hands hook gently
around my waist, holding me up as I
harvest my sorrow in gutted fields,
among pine needles and tree shadows.

Sherri Brannon ©2014

It's been quite awhile since I felt the urge to write, but this poem has been percolating for felt good to write about my empty nest feelings. My daughter is doing well and adjusting to her new life in New York City, and that makes me feel good. It really is true what they say: all a parent wants is for their kid to be happy! It's that simple.

Life is a whirlwind right now - it's a time of letting go while embracing new and exciting things. Isn't that the pattern of life? Oh yes, indeed.

Big changes are ahead and I will be incredibly busy for the next several months. We have decided to move to Florida earlier than planned and are now prepping our Virginia house for sale. We've lived in this house for 18 years so there's a whole lot of de-cluttering and home improvements going on! We are downsizing in a huge way. I will post occasionally if I can, but I'll mostly be taking a blog break at least through the holiday season. Life sure keeps you on your toes, doesn't it?

My photo was taken with my iPhone...another lovely landscape capture while on a country drive. I will miss the back roads of Virginia so much when we leave! I used both the Distressed FX and Stackable apps to get the painterly texture (and birds) in the image.

Thank you for stopping by.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

App Happy Wednesday: Fall Landscapes

Distant farm.

Red Barn

Red roof.

Cornfields and hayrides.


I've gotten so many lovely fall captures with my iPhone in recent are some of my favorites which I'm sharing with App Happy Wednesday. Click on the icon below to visit and join in! Fall landscape photos are my absolute favorite, especially the ones I come across while out on the back country roads of Virginia.

For all of these photos, I mainly used DistressedFX and/or Stackables to create the beautiful textured feel. I love the bird options in DistressedFX - they add so much to a country landscape.

Thank you for stopping by!

Keeping With The Times