Friday, November 14, 2014

Poem: Life Drawing

intuitive collage


Shape of a treasured memory
Hue of a hidden fear
Shade of an unfilled destiny
Tone of a tender tear

Contour of a fragile thought
Erase of a word that stings
Portrait of a soul that's lost
Sketch of a hope that clings

Value of a loving touch
Texture of a smile that's kind
Circle of a permanent scar
Oval of a light-filled eye.

©Sherri Brannon

I follow the wonderful dVerse blog, a 'poets pub' that encourages blog poets like me to post poetry on a weekly basis. They provide themes and/or prompts. I've never participated before but today's prompt caught my eye immediately because it's a subject so close to my heart.

I hope it's OK that I share a poem I wrote awhile back while immersed in an art class I was taking. I love painting so much but find that it's the first creative outlet to go when my life is busy. I haven't painted in a long while but am hoping to start up again after our move. It's the art form I'm most drawn to but also the most afraid of.

The poem came to me while learning all about lines, colors, and shapes...our lives are filled with these things in the form of joys, challenges, triumphs, and heartbreaks. The art piece is a collage I did using cutouts from books and magazines - it also has a piece of my personal poetry journal in it.

If poetry is your thing, please visit the dVerse blog and participate! Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. So much said in a few's canvas

  2. Oh Sherri, you have nothing to fear - plunge in! Your painting is very wonderful. I completely love it, and also loved the poem, especially "sketch of a hope that clings". I hope we see more of your poems AND paintings as the months go by.

  3. What they said; & kudos for capturing your sense of wonder about painting, something that surely you will revisit soon. You are bang on regarding the fellowship, encouragement, & inspiration provide by the dVerse family of compassionate talented poets; welcome to the Pub.

  4. Beautiful, amazing, and full of life.

    I love so much this poem you wrote. You are an amazing writer and very imaginative. :)

  5. I really like this. the art works wonders and grow with your lines to something else.

  6. I'm so glad you did share, Sherri, and hope you will jump in often. This poem has such good meter and flow and how you worked with the elements of art is terrific. Thank you. We want more!!!

  7. oh i love the drawing a lot... and our words are paintings as well... love how the mood is captured... and cool to see you at dVerse as well... smiles

  8. Sherry - love the art and the poem.
    You have made art richer for me -- thanks.

  9. Sherri! Your blog, your artwork, and your poem are GORGEOUS! Thank you so much for sharing your inner world with us.

  10. Life drawing can mean so much as a journal, a basis for a book...I like the collage look of the painting, incorporating different aspects of life.

  11. Being a painter, your words totally resonate with me. You have woven painting terms into heartfelt thoughts. Thank you for sharing. And I love your collage/painting. Bright and vibrant, just like you photographs. I hope you can find the time you would like to do IT ALL ! A tall order I know.

  12. One of my favorites, I really love this.

  13. Incredible. Thank you so much for writing this and for sharing it.

  14. Sherri, You are immensely talented. Your painting and poetry, both so vivid and connected, are deeply inspiring. I love the line - erase of the word that stings - and how I wish this could be true. But there is so much hope in your poem and your painting - a feeling of being refreshed. Thank you!

  15. Always love your poetry Sherri! and still waiting for that published book. I would snap it up in a minute as I have never seen one of your poems that I have not loved!
