Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Landscape Yields

autumn signs

autumn signs

autumn signs

autumn signs

autumn signs

autumn signs

autumn signs

The red leaves take the green leaves’ place, and the landscape yields. We go to sleep with the peach in our hands and wake with the stone, but the stone is the pledge of summers to come. ~Emily Dickinson

The colors of fall make my heart beat faster...so, so beautiful. In the mum photo above, I used Kim's "cora" texture at Multiply/20%. So many autumn photos, so little time! I hope your world is filled with color, wherever you are. Thank you for stopping by!

Kim Klassen dot com


  1. I can't get enough of fall photography! First photo is my favorite - dappled light in the background, soft hues, lovely lines. Beautiful!

  2. Such gorgeous autumn images, Sherri! You always know how to capture things so authentically. I can't pick a fav ... they are all amazing!

  3. sherri I love the way you have captured fall in your photos! we've just barely gotten started in my neck of the woods, but I can't wait for the beautiful fall color.

    I also wanted to say thank you for leaving such a heart-felt comment on my FOL post today....empty-nesting is not for sissies. :) thank goodness for photography and wonderful friends to help fill that space a little. xo

  4. Gorgeous images! The colors are so vivid and beautiful.

  5. Such beautiful autumn photos - fantastic colours!

  6. Really love that shot of the corn and you got a perfect depth of field. Great shot Sherri!

  7. Gorgeous series! I'm loving the fall colours, too, although most of the leaves have fallen now. Hard to pick a favourite shot here, but I think it's the mums.

  8. beautiful series of autumn photos. We don't get anything like that where I am at the moment.

  9. Absolutely beautiful photography. Magnificent colors.

  10. The first photo is especially beautiful, so rich in color. We have very little color here (lots of green, though), so I'm enjoying the season through your images!

  11. These are all awesome Sherri, I especially love that one of the little tiny red/burgundy flowers.
