Wednesday, September 24, 2014

App Happy Wednesday: App Stacking


I took this photo with my iPhone while we were driving down a Florida highway (as a passenger, of course). It was taken through the window while going about 65 miles an hour. These types of photos are perfect for apps like DistressedFX...the imperfections in the image (window reflections, slight blur, etc.) can be covered up beautifully with the 'grunge' this type of app offers.

For this particular image, I first cropped it in Snapseed. I then moved it into Distressed FX to add the first set of birds and choose a few filters...then I saved it into my camera roll. Next, I created a new blank canvas image with a creamy vanilla color in BubbleWrap. I moved the blank canvas image into DistressedFX and added a different set of birds. I moved that image into iColorama and used the Mirror option to shuffle the birds around in a way I liked. Next, I moved the shuffled bird image along with my original image into Imageblender where I merged them together. The last step was to move the merged image into Pictapgo to slightly sharpen it and change the tone to my liking. Voila! An app-stacked photo I'm very happy with.

App stacking is so much fun - it really forces you to exercise your creative brain. I'm always so excited when I come up with a new idea and it turns out well.

Thank you for stopping by. I've lost my blog groove and real life will keep me busy for the next couple of weeks. After that, I hope to be back on a more regular blog schedule. I have mushroom photos to share...I continue to be on the hunt for them daily! :)

Keeping With The Times

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

App Happy Wednesday


I feel as if I need to dust off my blog...going away for two weeks has put me in a sort of uninspired limbo. I'm having a bit of a creative slump and hope I snap out of it soon.

Meanwhile, I had a wonderful time in Florida and wanted to share a photo for App Happy Wednesday. This old, rusty truck was a happy find while I was down south. I used only Snapseed to sharpen the structure and brighten it a bit.

I hope to get my creative groove back very soon...thank you for stopping by!

Keeping With The Times